Minggu, 21 November 2010

New Beginning

As i found myself trying to post one new entry, i googled with keyword "new beginning", and the image above had the most powerful magnet to concern to.
As the picture say, new seed has planted, now it's time to grow. Why not. Trading a life with something new we passionate about.
So i encourage myself (and you) to dare stepping out of your box set and enjoy the God-given chioices of who you can be.
Cheers to the new life. Boom!

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010


Terlalu banyak-
Harus lepas-
Fokus satu-
Pasti Bisa-
Bunuh rasa-
Buang enggan-
Pertentangan didalam-
Jati diri tegakkan kepalamu-
Kita mulai dulu perang yang ini-

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010


Desak \
Penuh \
Nafas pergi pulang \
Anj*ng \
Waktu mendahului \
Rasa tertinggal \
Berat \
Badan tergravitasi \
Tiga kali \
Keluh \
Resah \
Bisa gila \
Jalan keluar \
Dimana dia \

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Gundah Dahulu

Tak terdeteksi
Tak tertelusuri
Masih datang
Masih menyiksa
Masih menunggu
Tak kunjung
Tak tahu
Ada harapan
Ada batu ditengah jalan
Ada tujuan
Akan lampaui
Akan jaya